Shipping & Delivery

Real-Time Order Tracking

Stay informed every step of the way. Once your order is shipped, we’ll provide you with a tracking number so you can monitor its progress any time, day or night. Know exactly where your package is until it reaches your hands.

Effortless Customs Clearance

Say goodbye to hidden fees and hold-ups at customs. Our streamlined international shipping ensures your order passes through smoothly, without hassles or surprises.

Reliable Delivery, Guaranteed

Your peace of mind matters to us. If your package is lost during transit, we’ve got you covered. We’ll replace your order immediately, no questions asked, because your satisfaction is our top priority.

Easy Returns, No Stress

Changed your mind? No worries. You have 14 days after receiving your order to start the return process. For detailed steps and conditions, check out our Warranty and Returns section.

Quick Delivery Worldwide

We deliver to customers across the globe. Most orders arrive within 2-3 weeks, while items with intricate gold or platinum finishes may take up to 6 weeks. Don’t worry about additional charges—customs fees, taxes, and duties are already included.

Thoughtfully Crafted, Expertly Delivered

Creating each timepiece requires care and precision. Production takes 5-14 days based on demand, after which shipping typically adds another 3-7 days. Most customers receive their orders within 21 days. For custom gold-plated designs, delivery may extend to 4-6 weeks, but the wait is always worth it.

Secure Delivery with Extra Assurance

For added security, a signature is required upon delivery. If you’re unavailable, the courier will leave a note and try again up to two more times. Packages not collected will be returned to us. Please ensure that a physical address is used for shipping, as we cannot deliver to PO boxes.

Your experience with us is designed to be as refined as the watches we create